Thursday 3 June 2010

Anglesey Stepping Stones - GC22XAW

Sarah and I found this one on the last day of our short Wedding Anniversary trip to Anglesey. We parked near the now seemingly defunct 'Bird World' and took an alternative route to the one chosen by most people - well, we do like to be different. On the way we saw a brood of fluffy young Greylag geese and their (three?) parents paddling in the narrow waters of the Afon Braint before it becomes much wider near the cache.

We crossed several stiles and fields and ended up walking parallel with the river for a while before the huge stepping stones came into view. On the way there were several large splashes in the river but we couldn't see if they were caused by fish or not. There were many possible places for the cache to be hidden, but Sarah persevered in the area indicated by the GPSr, and was eventually successful.

The stepping stones were very impressive, and like many others have said, are the largest I have ever seen. How on earth did people get them here so long ago? A great place and well worth a visit.

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