Sunday 18 October 2009

Cairn's cache - GC1ZF9W

This was to be our fourth and final cache of the day today on Anglesey. With three successful finds under our belt today, Sarah and I proceeded with some confidence up to the ruined Cairn's Mill next to the trig point at the top of Parys Mountain. 'It's not going to be in the mill ruins' we thought, so we were constantly looking around for somewhere else to hide a cache as we walked. When we arrived at the mill we had a quick look round and then went over to the trig point - unfortunately this is spoilt by the words 'I LOVE KAREN' graffitied on it. Someone obviously thinks it's alright to do this, but we don't, even if you do love Karen - there are better ways to show her you mean it.

Looking around from the top, the GPSr was pointing towards a clump of largish rocks and concrete blocks on a slight rise. Investigation of these quickly revealed the cache container and soon Sarah was busy doing the admin whilst I was taking (even more) photos. After replacing the cache we went back to the mill ruins for another look round by which time the wind had started to blow quite a gale. It must be truly bleak up here in really bad weather when the dust is blown around or it's raining. I'd already noticed how all the roadsigns have a distinctly dusty brownish tinge in this area.

Job done, we returned to the car and then went off to have lunch in Llanfairpwllgwyn before sadly setting off for home to rejoin the rat-race on Monday.

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