Saturday 6 February 2010

Cow Climbing - GC1WK61

After puzzling about the name of this cache for a while, I discovered the reason behind it on my PDA whilst using OS Memory Map in the car to plan my attack. I parked just off Plodder Lane and headed up the public footpath. It was a great day - the sun was shining brightly and the birds were singing.

Recently I've taken up birdwatching and photography and so I spent a good 20 minutes half way up the hill just taking pictures - it was fabulous. I'm sure the birds singing high up in the air were skylarks but I've love to be corrected if I'm wrong. I also saw a bird of prey sitting on a fence post but I'm not sure if it was a sparrowhawk or not. There was a continuous stream of big jet aeroplanes flying overhead whilst I was there, so it must be under the flightpath from Manchester airport.

Anyway I continued up to the top and found the cache fairly easily using the clue for help.

My next task was to decide how to get to the next one (Moooo! BOGOF) from here - I decided to go back down to the road and up the next parallel footpath a few hundred yards down Plodder Lane as I couldn't see a direct right of way marked on the map.

A truly great little place that I've seen many times from the road but never ventured to before.

TFTC SL - took a whistle but had nothing to leave, sorry.

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