I spent more time planning how to get to this one than I did in actually finding it. I couldn't work out where the best place to park was because there didn't seem to be any continuous footpaths that went near it from the main roads on my GPSr's TopoMap.
After one dead end down a lane where I nearly ran over a pheasant, I decided to park at the end of another lane (and footpath) near where the new Culcheth High School is being built. The lane was blocked by a huge tree to stop traffic going up it, but walking is fine.
The GPSr indicated that I was walking slightly in the wrong direction at first, but once past the school the lane turned and I was back on track. On reaching a sort of crossroads of lanes I turned right I was heading for the Wood - now where was the Water?
After a minute or so in the Wood the Water came into view, with much of it covered in green algae. I knew what the clue was because I always read them before I set off, and soon I saw something that matched the description. I started moving piles of leaves and wood debris looking for the cache. Hang on a minute, am I in the right place I thought. A quick look at the GPSr told me I hadn't gone far enough. So off I went further into the wood.
I found the rusty old remains of the car that's mentioned in the description and several other items that matched the clue - but this time I waited until the GPSr indicated I was in the right place. It was more or less bang on and I could the see the cache box from a distance because it was exposed.
The previous log had mentioned this so after signing the log, taking the Red Rose Travel Bug and leaving a supermarket trolley key ring 'thing' (anyone know what these a called?), I thought about hiding it in a better place which would still match the clue. Better not, I decided, and just replaced it where I found it with some extra branches and leaves to cover it.
Well, this was a short but pleasant walk on a freezing cold day and it's another cache chalked off the local list - so I'm quite happy.
Check out this cache here: Wood and Water at http://www.geocaching.com/
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